Date: Tue, 7 Jun 94 08:35:15 PDT From: The Info-Mac Moderators Reply-To: Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #83 To: info-mac-list Info-Mac Digest Tue, 7 Jun 94 Volume 12 : Issue 83 Today's Topics: [!] Double Binhexed files [*] Ars Magna II 1.1 Fat version; an anagram generator [*] BijouPlay v1.3; the first native QuickTime Player! [*] ClarisWorks updater (Canadian, Australian, and British) [*] desk-mates-129; small desktop aids [*] DOCMaker 4.1 Release; creates stand-alone documents [*] Educational HyperTextBook Demos [*] FlipBookMaker; make flip books from QT movies [*] Kabu091b.demo; a card game [*] Keys! 1.0b2 (again); adds command key shortcuts to dialogs [*] lc keys; two customized keyboard layouts [*] Mac-2-MIDI-interface; a schematic [*] mac-cube-view-150; displays 3-D data [*] MacAnim Viewer 1.0.1 Update; a multiple-format graphics viewer [*] MacAnim Viewer 1.0.1 Updater; a graphics viewer [*] neon 03; a postcard from Jamaica [*] Pattrex and his band... [*] power-corner-710; a PowerBook utility [*] PowerPC upgrade card 'Sounds of death' [*] pt-boat-simulator-demo; Demo of the Commercial game [*] PwrSwitcher 1.1.3; cycles through running applications [*] RAM Doubler 1.0.3 Updater; a virtual memory utility [*] SWIIPrintUseMon version 1.3; keeps track of pages printed [*] TidBITS#229/06-Jun-94 [A] Patch for HD SC Stup 7.3.1 Adobe Photoshop Adobe Type Manager 3.6 (C) Aldus Support (Followup) AppleScript Help needed Black Scientists and Women Scientists converting from Autodoubler to Stacker drag-manager (Q) EUDORA Zone Woes..... First Class Client 2.5 [Q] IIvx CD-ROM mystery [Q] IM Digest as text Info-World Article on Cost of PC vs Mac Mac Networks.... mac tcp and interslip MUBBS most recent version [Q] NNetwrok Suppressor Packet Radio Problems PhoneNet Connectors PowerMac Compilers (Q) Q: selecting SW&HW for LAN with PowerMacs sAVe the Disk1.4(Bingo!) SimpleText [1.0] is buggy? (A) SLIP newsreader (Q) Slow keys SMTP mail packages sources of guidance for low level disk editing/data recovery? Star Trek: the next generation (C) Startup help Stylewriter not-printing system 7.1 updates [R] Telnet tool as free/shareware? WAIS Clients What is the Modern Memory Manager? Where to find AppleTalk 58? [R] The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts and Liam Breck. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on []. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help. Mail articles for inclusion in the digest to Send binaries to be placed in the archives to Send administrative mail to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 15:02:25 -0500 From: (Backup Moderator) Subject: [!] Double Binhexed files Howdy, Recently, a number of files submitted to Info-Mac have been Binhex4 encoded more than once. In most cases, the author or originator encoded the binary, and then their mail client or gateway encoded it again. The most common culprits are Eudora and Pine. These two clients automatically encode attach- ments unless supressed. Double encoded files waste our disk space, as in the example of the following file before: -rw-r--r-- 1 macmod 524354 May 25 10:09 app/commodore-64-emulator.hqx ^^^^^^ and after: -rw-r--r-- 1 macmod 360791 Jun 6 16:04 app/commodore-64-emulator.hqx ^^^^^^ Double encoding also confuses some extractor programs and users of our archives. It also unnessarily lengthens download time (especially for those who pay per kilobyte or per hour). Sometimes, we catch double-encoding, and at times we do not. If you download a file that is binhexed twice, please let us know at If you are submitting a file, please take care not to encode it twice. While I am at it, our preferred format is Binhex4. Lately, we've been receiving files in UUCode, base64, and a variety of other formats. While we can deal with most of these, the extra steps take up time and often require transfers between distant machines. Submitting binhexed binaries will greatly conserve our human, network, and CPU resources. The following three files were recently fixed: [Archived as /info-mac/app/commodore-64-emulator.hqx; 352K] [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/opti-mem-156b-updt.hqx; 204K] [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/opti-mem-156d-demo.hqx; 476K] Thank you, Igor [<-- This is our archivist... listen to him! ;-) -Gordon] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 15:03:58 -0700 From: (Matthew Xavier Mora) Subject: [*] Ars Magna II 1.1 Fat version; an anagram generator Enclosed is a Fat version of Ars Magna II. I ported it to Metrowerks CodeWarrior and resedited them together. Source and project file are included. For those that don't know, Ars Magna is an anagram generating program by Mike Morton. I've been updating it and releasing new versions as I see fit. Someday it might have a real mac interface. Matt [Archived as /info-mac/text/ars-magna-ii-11.hqx; 273K] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Jun 94 21:33:08 CDT From: denboer@CC.UManitoba.CA Subject: [*] BijouPlay v1.3; the first native QuickTime Player! See the enclosed readme for detailed information. BijouPlay, the first native QuickTime Player! [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/bijou-play-13.hqx; 33K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 12:19:34 GMT From: P Mulderry Subject: [*] ClarisWorks updater (Canadian, Australian, and British) Info-Mac@CAMIS.Stanford.EDU writes: >Here is the Clarisworks OFFICIAL CD updater for the Canadian (read >Australian and British) versions of Clarisworks 2.0 and 2.1v1-3. >[Archived as /info-mac/app/claris-works-20v1-21v3-ca-updt.hqx; 742K] This upgrade DOES NOT work with the British version of ClarisWorks (and probably not with the Australian either) The British update has to be bought from ClarisUK and costs ukp 23.50. Regards, Peter (Not connected with Claris) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 17:54:36 -0500 From: David Darby Subject: [*] desk-mates-129; small desktop aids DeskMates 1.2.9 This is an updated version of the very popular Macintosh shareware program containing an analog clock, multiple notebooks, a stopwatch, a calculator, an alarm scheduler, calendar with daily appointments, a date pad, an address book and much more. The address facility especially has been upgraded, and the features introduced in 1.2.5 have been solidified (multiple fonts, styles, sizes, colors, case changing, word wrap, better timing accuracy, less RAM usage, auto-hide feature when in background, bolding of calendar days with attached duties, improved finding ability)! This is upgrade is recommended for all users of DeskMates and interested others. Hope you like it, and thanks to all those who have made suggestions and sent their shareware fee! [Archived as /info-mac/app/desk-mates-129.hqx; 642K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 10:54:26 -0500 From: Subject: [*] DOCMaker 4.1 Release; creates stand-alone documents NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 4.1: Useful & quick optional toolbar available for setting picture, text, chapter, and document attributes. Program (both DOCMaker and the stand-alone document module) now very clean and highly debugged. Thanks to the guys at Onyx Technology, Devon Hubbard and Brooks Bell for their wonderful QC* program. Through "Hot Pictures", documents now support QuickTime video, sound, document linking, and more. DOCMaker supports the Claris XTND interface for importing other word processor documents and importing other DOCMaker documents. Full text undo now available. Sixty chapters, more graphics. Duplicate pictures supported to reduce document size overhead. This is an extensive upgrade!! IF YOU ARE A REGISTERED USER OF DOCMAKER, SEND GREEN MOUNTAIN SOFTWARE YOUR ORIGINAL DISK FOR A FULL UPGRADE, WHICH INCLUDES THE NEW USERS MANUAL AND THE DRAGRES APPLICATION FOR ADVANCED USERS. Have you ever wanted to send a letter to someone, on a disk, but you werenUt sure what word processor they had? Have you wanted to put your own documentation on a disk for others to read and print without worrying about word processor compatibility? Well, now you have it: DOCMaker, a winner of The 1992 & 1993 MacUser( Shareware Awards! DOCMaker is an application for the Macintosh* which creates stand-alone, self-running document files. It features TscrollableU and Tre-sizableU windows, graphics, varied text styles and fonts, and full printing capability. The stand-alone files are self-executing applications which you may distribute to others to read and print. No other application is required! This gives you the ability to distribute documents and information widely with no knowledge of the end-usersU Mac configuration or software. [Archived as /info-mac/text/doc-maker-41.hqx; 227K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 18:11:11 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: [*] Educational HyperTextBook Demos These files require a Macintosh running HyperCard 2.2. These are demos of HyperTextBooks. [They are] educational software that explore [various subjects]. To have this file sent directly to you via US Mail, call (715) 236-7918, or write to Iverson Software, P. O. Box 3, Rice Lake WI 54868, and request [each] HyperTextBook Demo by name. [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/afghanistan-hypertext-book-demo.hqx; 115K] [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/anthropology-hypertext-book-demo.hqx; 167K] [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/archaeology-hypertext-book-demo.hqx; 82K] [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/brain-hypertext-book-demo.hqx; 168K] [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/economics-hypertext-book-demo.hqx; 322K] [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/education-hypertext-book-demo.hqx; 203K] [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/mythology-hypertext-book-demo.hqx; 193K] [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/philosophy-hypertext-book-demo.hqx; 227K] [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/polysci-hypertext-book-demo.hqx; 235K] [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/psychology-hypertext-book-demo.hqx; 117K] [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/sociology-hypertext-book-demo.hqx; 100K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 00:50:30 -0700 From: (Chris Athanas) Subject: [*] FlipBookMaker; make flip books from QT movies FlipBookMaker is a little utility that creates animated flip-books >From QuickTime Movies. To use it, you will need a 68020 based Macintosh with at least 4mb of RAM, and Quicktime version 1.5 or greater. This program is shareware. If you use it and like it, please send $10 to: Chris Athanas 1817 California St #203 San Francisco, CA 94109 AOL: Zappertron Applelink: SILIBUS2 Internet: [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/flip-book-maker.hqx; 346K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 13:53:12 EST From: Subject: [*] Kabu091b.demo; a card game Kabu091b.demo is a Japanese type card game. [Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/kabu-091b-demo.hqx; 36K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 13:49:51 +0200 (MET DST) From: (Stefan Kurth) Subject: [*] Keys! 1.0b2 (again); adds command key shortcuts to dialogs this version only corrects the version number in the Get Info box - I forgot to change that in the version that I uploaded before. Please replace the older 1.0b2 version with this one. Regards, -Stefan ( ================================================================ [Archived as /info-mac/gui/keys-10b2.hqx.hqx; 16K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 01:32:49 -0500 From: (Scott J. Lopez) Subject: [*] lc keys; two customized keyboard layouts Two customized keyboard layouts. The first is standard a Qwerty layout with one exception. When Caps-lock is down and shift is pressed, letters will come out in lower case (all other keys are shifted). The second is a Dvorak layout with the same feature. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/lower-case-keyboards.hqx; 9K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 94 08:36:54 EST From: "Dale W. King" Subject: [*] Mac-2-MIDI-interface; a schematic This is a binhexed version of the schematic I have created for a Macintosh to MIDI interface that derives it's power solely from the serial port (No external power is necessary). It is configured for 1 MIDI In, 1 MIDI Out, and 2 switchable MIDI OUT/THRU's. You can configure the outputs as Outs, Thrus, or switchable Out/Thru. There in 1 gate not being used which can be used to add an additional output if desired. The only problem with powering it from the serial port is when you just want to use the MIDI Thru without necessarily using the Mac sequencing S/W. The TXD lines on the Mac are only powered when a program has opened the serial driver. So even if you have the Mac turned on you will have to load either your sequencing software or a terminal program. The only part of the interface that is of any use without sequencing software is the MIDI thru, so most of the time you want to use the interface, you`ll have sequencing software loaded anyway. Dale King [Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/mac-to-midi-interface.hqx; 33K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 94 10:23:24 EDT From: "Dan Rickey" Subject: [*] mac-cube-view-150; displays 3-D data MacCubeView 1.5.0 Daniel W. Rickey #22-550 Platts Lane London, Ontario CANADA N6G 3A8 Description MacCubeView is designed to display a texture map image of three-dimensional (3-D) data. In this release, three simple ray-tracing techniques have been added. The data in mind is typically generated by medical imaging techniques such as CT, MRI, and nuclear medicine. Some geophysics techniques also produce suitable 3-D image data. Hardware Requirements MacCubeView will probably run on any Colour Macintosh Computer that is running System 7 or newer. The software will be at its best when used with a large eight-bit colour monitor. The Macintosh should have at least eight megabytes of memory installed. It will not run on a Mac Plus, SE, Classic, etc. Two versions of the programme are supplied - one for machines with a FPU, the other is for machines without a FPU, such the LC475 and Quadra 605. [Archived as /info-mac/sci/mac-cube-view-150.hqx; 1200K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 94 11:39:57 PDT From: (Martin Fong) Subject: [*] MacAnim Viewer 1.0.1 Update; a multiple-format graphics viewer This Compactor Pro archive contains MacAnim Viewer 1.0.1 (which displays GL, FLI, FLC, DL, GIF, and PCX/PIC files, and automatically unzips .zip archives in search of the same), a THINK C port of glib (from the xgrasp 1.7 distribution), GL documentation, and sample images. MacAnim Viewer was built presupposing a 68020 and 32-bit QuickDraw and works best with an 8-bit color monitor. This version runs faster than its predecessor, and fixes problems with unzipping and displaying FLC files. It also permits animations and still images to be scaled to fit within a specified screen size. 15MAY94 Martin Fong ( P.S.: I am interested in obtaining any file that causes MacAnim Viewer to crash your system. I would also like to obtain documentation for the latest version of GL. This would enable me to correctly implement additional GL directives. TIA! [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/mac-anim-viewer-101.hqx; 1057K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 94 16:22:27 PDT From: (Martin Fong) Subject: [*] MacAnim Viewer 1.0.1 Updater; a graphics viewer This Compactor Pro archive contains an application that updates MacAnim Viewer 1.0 to version 1.0.1. MacAnim Viewer displays GL, FLI, FLC, DL, GIF, and PCX/PIC files, and automatically unzips .zip archives in search of the same. Version 1.0.1 runs faster than its predecessor, and fixes problems with unzipping and displaying FLC files. It also permits animations and still images to be scaled to fit within a specified screen size. 15MAY94 Martin Fong ( [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/mac-anim-viewer-10-to-101-updt.hqx; 131K] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Jun 1994 15:55:33 -0400 From: (H) Subject: [*] neon 03; a postcard from Jamaica Neon- Postcard from Jamaica by This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0 Neon- an animated charector, who, in this third installment, sends you an animated postcard with music, from his holiday on Jamaica. Self-playing MacroMind Director 4.0 Animation. Comments, inquires, questions, etc., please contact [Archived as /info-mac/grf/neon-03.hqx; 1023K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 15:35:53 -0700 From: (Pat Ortman) Subject: [*] Pattrex and his band... It is called pattrex.sea.hqx and is a project I cooked up in Director which will play on any color-capable Mac with at least a 13" monitor. It is an interactive multimedia browser of my band, including photos, animations, sound clips, and etc. Hey, I like it! It's already on AOL and CServe. I made it myself completely, so no copyright problems. Freeware. Pattrex [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/pattrex.hqx; 1492K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 01:21:57 +0200 From: (Robert Lukassen) Subject: [*] power-corner-710; a PowerBook utility This is PowerCorner 7.1.0, the first release version of a new utility for portable Macintoshes. It allows some features of these types of Macintoshes to be assigned to the corners of the screen. By moving the mouse pointer into a corner the user can: - toggle the backlight on and off, - spin down the hard disk and - put the portable to sleep with no questions asked. Requirements: A portable Macintosh running system 7.0.1 or higher. A postcard since this is postware. Regards, Robert J. Lukassen [Archived as /info-mac/gui/power-corner-710.hqx; 40K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 14:19:58 -0800 From: (Dieder Bylsma) Subject: [*] PowerPC upgrade card 'Sounds of death' If you hear the following tones out of your Apple PowerPC upgrade card, you know you got problems! :-) Anyhow, here it is, not exactly pure digital quality, but what the hey, it works! Dieder [Archived as /info-mac/snd/sounds-of-death-ppc-card.hqx; 114K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 13:09:58 -0400 From: Michael Noah Gurell Subject: [*] pt-boat-simulator-demo; Demo of the Commercial game PT BOAT SIMULATOR DEMO Demo of the Commercial game PT BOAT SIMULATOR. No Docs Included. PT BOAT SIMULATOR DEMO is what Hellcats is to plane fighter simulator games. The Demo allows you to play only one Mission. The normal commercial game will allow 40 to 50 missions to be played. Runs on B&W and Color Mac's. [Archived as /info-mac/game/com/pt-boat-simulator-demo.hqx; 1107K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 94 12:38:59 JST From: (Mark Nagata) Subject: [*] PwrSwitcher 1.1.3; cycles through running applications PwrSwitcher is a System 7 control panel that lets you cycle through running applications using your keyboard. This package includes PwrSwitcher 1.1.3 with documentation and PwrSwitcher FAQ 1.5. PwrSwitcher 1.1.3 is a bug fix release. Keyboard activity after PwrSwitcher loaded but before the Finder started would crash earlier versions of PwrSwitcher. Q: What is the most recent release of PwrSwitcher? A: The final release is 1.1.3 - there will be no more. Q: The power key on my Mac doesn't trigger PwrSwitcher. Why? A: Many new Macs handle the power key using special hardware, rather than treating it as just another key on the keyboard as with the original ADB keyboards. The Duos and all of the newer Macs that allow you to shut down using the power key can't use the power key to trigger PwrSwitcher. Freeware. Source code is also available on America Online. Author: David B. Lamkins ( Mark [Archived as /info-mac/gui/pwr-switcher-113.hqx; 45K] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Jun 1994 10:58:43 -0700 From: (Andrew T. Laurence) Subject: [*] RAM Doubler 1.0.3 Updater; a virtual memory utility The RAM Doubler updater to version 1.0.3, as downloaded from America Online. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/ram-doubler-103-updt.hqx; 102K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 94 08:32:01 BST From: Subject: [*] SWIIPrintUseMon version 1.3; keeps track of pages printed SWIIPrintUseMon version 1.3 This application keeps track of the number of pages printed on your StyleWriter printer and warns you when the ink is about to run out. SWIIPrintUseMon examines the Log file, which is updated by the SWII driver. This utility will therefore also work with SW1 printers provided that you have the SWII driver installed. You can specify the maximum number of pages to be printed before SWIIPrintUseMon outputs a warning. Version 1.3 can also tell you the number of pages printed so far and the average print rate. Version 1.3 will work with English, French and German log files, and also outputs it's messages in the same language as the Log file. Version 1.3 is identical to version 1.2 but has a nice new Icon and version info. Steve Smith [Archived as /info-mac/prn/stylewriter-ii-use-mon-13.hqx; 28K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 94 18:30:54 PDT From: (Adam C. Engst) Subject: [*] TidBITS#229/06-Jun-94 TidBITS#229/06-Jun-94 This week we have a review of the just-released MacWeb WWW browser, the real story on using America Online over the Internet, and a review of a high tech joke book. Mark Anbinder writes about Connectix's new RAM-doubling version of their Maxima RAM disk software, and Mel Park passes on some great stories about the original Colossal Cave - remember ADVENTURE? Topics: MailBITS/06-Jun-94 AOL & Internet - The Real Story Twice The Maxima Colossal Cave Revisited High Tech Humor MacWeb Reviews/06-Jun-94 [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-229.etx; 30K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jun 94 09:08:54 +0200 From: (Jean-Francois Sygnet) Subject: [A] Patch for HD SC Stup 7.3.1 hi Somebody asked how to patch "Apple HD SC Setup 7.3.1" to have it operate with non-Apple hard disk: 1/ To format a non-Apple Hard disk: Open the resource CODE ID=6 of "Apple HD SC Setup 7.3.1" At address @0060 change 222F 000C to 4E71 7203 2/ To create multiple (MacOS) partition Open the resource map ID=257 of "Apple HD SC Setup 7.3.1" At address @0025 change 00 to 01 Then use "Custom partition, ignore the warning message and reboot: you will be prompter to give a name to the 2nd partition. Jean-Francois Sygnet ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 10:41:22 -0700 (PDT) From: (John Ressler) Subject: Adobe Photoshop Is there a versin of Photoshop that does not require 24-bit color on the hardware platform. I have several machines that will do 16-bit color but I can't even load the copy of Photoshop that I just bought. John Ressler, Chair Dept. of Geography & Land Studies; Director (without portfolio), Graduate Program in Resource Management Central Washington Univ. Ellensburg, WA 98926-7420 (509) 963-1188 InterNet: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 17:06:57 +0000 From: (Alun J. Carr) Subject: Adobe Type Manager 3.6 (C) There have been one or two comments recently about problems with ATM 3.6. Just to add my ha'penn'th, I too have been having problems with it. since installing it, the TrueType Monaco font I use in Alpha sometimes gets munged (selecting a different point size of the same font will be fine, but returning to 11pt restores the mangled display). Also, the font used for icons in the Finder (the system default of Geneva) sometimes gets clobbered. Plus, the DVI previewer, MacDVI in DirectTeX sometimes crashes when displaying a font created by ATM (like Times, at a peculiar point size). When are Adobe going to fix these problems, and give us some stable software? I much prefer the ATM renderings of Times at small point sizes to the TrueType equivalent. This is running on a Centris 650 8/500, System 7.1, System Update 3.0. Alun -- Dr A. J. Carr, Mech. Eng. Dept., UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland Internet: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 10:21:49 -0500 From: DAVE@GERGO.TAMU.EDU (Dave Martin) Subject: Aldus Support (Followup) This is a follow-up to my post last week about Aldus' upgrade fees (incorrect sales tax, taxing shipping, etc.) and poor order tracking, leading to them sendin me an upgrade order I had cancelled. After that post I went through five days of pure *!&$@ (insert appropriate vulgar term of preference). I was passed from person to person, most all of which were either unhelpful (only about two ever asked my name, serial number, etc. for looking up my records) or downright rude (the supervisor of Aldus' Denver Customer Support office hung up on me--twice). I was completely frustrated but remained as polite as I could. My credit card company did not help much either, just making a conference call to the same number I had been calling and being satisfied when I was told that someone would call me back (never did). I was about to give up and do things their way--send the package back UPS Ground (they did finally issue a pickup order) with it taking a week or two to get back to Denver followed by 3-4 weeks for my card to be credited--when I received a call from the main office in Seattle. Apparently my posts on AOL had sent the Seattle staff swarming to pick up the banner dropped and trampled by the Denver group. I was told that the incident was not being viewed lightly in Seattle and that a meeting had been held with those involved (their database tracks who accesses each record, whether it is a change or just a lookup) and that things should improve (or jobs will be involved). While I wish the incident had not happened, I am glad to see that Aldus has not been affected by its close proximity to a certain other Seattle-based software giant. It remains to be seen how well they correct the problems at the Denver office, but at least they are working on it. -- Dave Martin - TAMU/GERG - DAVE@GERGA.TAMU.EDU - DBM@AOL.COM -- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 94 17:11:56 +0200 From: (Rolf Kocherhans) Subject: AppleScript Help needed I would like to copy a file from the system folder (lokal) to our server, also into the system folder. I would like the script to mount the server first and then to copy the file. The name of the file is always the same and the file on the server can always be overwritten. Can I do this with AppleScript. And if yes how ??? Do I need some new OSAX. Rolf ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 17:33:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Ed Byrnes Subject: Black Scientists and Women Scientists Black Scientists and Inventors Stack Available via anonymous FTP from in pub/eabyrnes. Required Software: HyperCard 1.2 and Stuffit for decompression, debinhexing. This is a large file: 2.5 megabytes. Required Hardware: 68000 or better Macintosh Created: 1991/1992. File to retrieve: black_scientists.sit.hqx The Black Scientists and Inventors Stack consists of cards celebrating the contributions of 23 black scientists and inventors. The stacks are the result of a project by Kensington Academy seventh and eighth grade students. Women In Science: A Color HyperCard Project Available via anonymous FTP >From in pub/eabyrnes. Required Software: HyperCard 2.2 and Stuffit for decompression, debinhexing. Required Hardware: 68020 or better Macintosh Created: 1993/1994. 35 Women Scientist profiles. Ed Byrnes ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 94 14:39:55 EDT From: (William Edwards) Subject: converting from Autodoubler to Stacker I am about to go this route, and was wondering if any have travelled it before me. I am about to dump Autodoubler (2.0.3), which is spinning my Powerbook drive up every thirty seconds, and which is incompatible with Quicken 4.0 and macBible 3.0. I'm running Stacker on my HP 95, and it just seems to work. I want to try it on my PB 100 8/40, and Classic II 10/40, both running System 7.1 (lots of system extension). Please respond via email with any comments on Autodoubler vs. Stacker, as well as going from AD to Stacker, and I will summarize. Thanks! -- Bill Edwards Dana Farber Cancer Institute/ECOG 303 Boylston Street; Brookline MA 02146 (617) 632-2975;; wse@harvjmmy.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 14:37:09 -0400 From: (Luke Stein) Subject: drag-manager (Q) Where do I find the aforementioned? (See subject) Thanks a whole lot, <+>Luke Stein ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 14:22:49 SAST-2 From: "Korrubel, JL, Jan, KRRJAN001" Subject: EUDORA Zone Woes..... Dear MAC-Info, Considering the ready help I got with my last query, I would like to throw out another. I apologise before hand for the long-winded explanantion. Here goes: We are working on a 16 machine LocalTalk LAN that has two zones, a LocalTalk zone and 'Phase 2 Zone'. We use the mail package EUDORA to send & receive mail from the MAC's - the LocalTalk LAN is connected to the campus backbone via a GatorBox. We use MacTCP to set up the machines with IP numbers etc. etc. - you probably know the setup routine better than I. New mail comes into an HP mainframe account, which EUDORA then searches for new mail. Now, as new MAC machines come into the department, the older machines get shuffled about ('senior' people get the new ones!) and change their places in the Mac LAN. So far, this hasn't been a problem. Recently, a LCII was shuffled into one of the labs closeby. I installed EUDORA, set it up for the person with the routing info through MacTCP to get to his HP account. Upon accessing EUDORA, it would start up OK, then stop (with the characteristic pendulum) giving the error: "Error involving Domain Name System. None of the known name servers are responding." After many hair pulling sessions, I have tracked the problem down to the fact that the LCII now resides in the Phase 2 Zone and not in the LocalTalk Zone it came from (this persons mail account works fine when accessed from any other machine that lives in the LocalTalk zone). No sweat, I thought. Just setup the machine for the other zone. However, MacTCP does not offer me the choice of setting up the machine for the other zone. In a very fleeting discussion with the previous Mac LAN supervisor, he explained that the LAN had these two zones because the Apple LaserWriter could not be the last machine in the LAN. So, what can I do to bring EUDORA back to life on this guys machine, w/o having to redesign / rewire the network so that the printer lies after the LCII, thereby restoring the LCII back into the LocalTalk zone. Again, sorry to bother you people with this rather long winded explanantion, but I have been $@#&$%%^$%& around with this for quite a while now!!! Thanks in advance for any help / suggestions offered!!! Jan L. Korrubel. Marine Biology Research Institute, University of Cape Town, South Africa. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Jun 94 13:53:00 PDT From: Subject: First Class Client 2.5 [Q] Could anyone please direct me to a FTP-site where a can download subject? Is there an official release site for subject? Greetings from Morten Sidelmann - The Royal Danish School of Pharmacy Internet: Fidonet: 2:234/125.14 - Point of No Return :-) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 10:21:25 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Cohen Subject: IIvx CD-ROM mystery [Q] [Note: this was lost in the mail problem of 6/1 and is being resent.] I have a friend, a well-known music critic, whose IIvx CD-ROM drive has begun refusing to recognize Macintosh CD-ROMs. It recognizes audio CDs just fine, but whenever a CD-ROM goes into the drive, it is rejected with a "This is not a Macintosh disk" alert. We have done a clean system install several times (7.1, with and without the latest hardware system update) and installed fresh copies of the Apple CD-ROM software each time with no success. We have hooked an external CD-ROM drive to the machine and have been able to mount Macintosh CD-ROMs in the external drive. This suggests to me that the CD-ROM software is not at fault. But if THAT is the case, then the problem must be hardware related; however the selective nature of the failure is very peculiar... Is it possible that a hardware problem can cause a CD-ROM drive to only recognize audio CDs? It seems unlikely to me, but I can come up with no better explanation of the machine's behavior. If anyone has experienced this phenomenon, or can suggest an explanation for it, my friend and I would appreciate your comments. Many thanks. Michael E. Cohen a.k.a. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 13:22:48 -0400 From: (Luke Stein) Subject: IM Digest as text Dear All, Does anyone know wthr or not there is a way to force the digest to be sent to me as a binhexed TEXT file rather than as a message. Ditto for "TidBits." Is there a way to make Eudora (1.4.2) do this for me, without manually cutting and pasting into a text file. I d.l.ed EasyView, which takes a text file and allows me to view it nicely. Any help would be apreciated. <+>Luke Stein ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Jun 1994 08:05:01 -0500 From: Tom Wilson (Tom Wilson) Subject: Info-World Article on Cost of PC vs Mac I've been unsuccessfully searching for an InfoWorld article about the relative costs of ownership (over a 5-year period) of PC/DOS, PC/WIndows, and Mac/MacOS. Does anyone know when that article appeared? I heard about it on National Public Radio several months ago and badly wanted to quote from it, but couldn't find it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance if you find it. Tom Wilson Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN Voice: 615-574-3927 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 16:27:09 SAST-2 From: "Korrubel, JL, Jan, KRRJAN001" Subject: Mac Networks.... Dear Info-Mac, Even though I am relatively new to the Mac world, I have recently been made supervisor of our 16 machine Mac (local-talk) LAN. We are in the process of aquiring a PowerMAC 6100 with an external "floptical" drive to use with our scanner and for mass data storage and backup. My supervisor mentioned that we should look into getting some sort of "network supervisors software", that is capable to doing the backups at predetermined times, and also be capable of doing 'fault-checking' along the LocalTalk network. He mentioned that there had been a review of this type of software in either MacWorld and MacUser. Could you possibly direct me to what type of software is available for these tasks and maybe even to the article itself? Thanks in advance, Jan L. Korrubel. Marine Biology Research Institute, University of Cape Town. South Africa. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 19:29:58 -0700 From: Jeremiah Chechik Subject: mac tcp and interslip i need some help understanding how to configure and i heard you have a faq-please send or tell me where i can get a manual ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Jun 94 13:52:00 PDT From: Subject: MUBBS most recent version [Q] Could someone please tell me if there's a more recent version of MUBBS (the multiuser BBS program) than the one lying in the comm directory here at SUMEX? Greetings from Morten Sidelmann - The Royal Danish School of Pharmacy Internet: Fidonet: 2:234/125.14 - Point of No Return :-) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 21:04:06 EDT From: Subject: NNetwrok Suppressor Dear Net-Guru's I am in deperate need of something that will suppress network check's by Quark Xpress for identical serial numbers. I am a manager of a Colleges Lab, and although I have legitiamate rights to run the number of stations I am attempting to do, I am having serious trouble getting the right stations with th. Thank yo ------------------------------ Date: 06 Jun 1994 13:10:59 -0400 (EDT) From: Rob Ox Snell Subject: Packet Radio Problems Hi, I am running a PacComm Tiny-2 TNC with my Mac Classic II. I have all of the connecting cables and I am reasonably sure that they are okay. My TNC seems to be opporating properly but when I start it up I am supposed to get some sign-on lines and a prompt which do not appear. Someone suggested going into my chooser to make sure that the computer knows which port to use but when I do this the chooser is blank. Right now I am using MacKermit and QuickConnect (neither of which work as such). Could someone suggest what it is that I should do next? If it is, as it seems, a soft ware problem then where can I get the appropriate shareware and what is it. Please be specific, I am still a novice in the Packet world. Also, since I am not a subscriber to this could you send your answers directly back to me at RSNELL@COLGATE.EDU? Thanks. Also, if possible I would like to begin subscribing to info-mac. 73 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Jun 94 15:46:35 EDT From: Subject: PhoneNet Connectors Does anyone know where I could get some cheap (under $20) PhoneNet connectors? I am planning to connect my old Apple IIGS to my Macintosh. Also, does anyone know if I could connect the PhoneNet connectors to a Nubus, or something similar to PhoneNet that would? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 11:41:26 EDT From: Subject: PowerMac Compilers (Q) Does anyone have any experience with native code compilers for the PowerMacs? I am most interested in fortran, but would like to hear about *anything*. For that matter, are there any summaries of real life experiences with PowerMacs? I have seen very little discussion of it hear, and I'm interested cause I am working up momentum to buy one, but I would like to know what to expect!!! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 23:56:18 +0000 (GMT) From: (Stan P. van de Burgt) Subject: Q: selecting SW&HW for LAN with PowerMacs Hi, I'd like to get some advise / tips on the following subject(s). In the next weeks, some PowerMacs 7100/66av systems will be installed in at several sites in my company. Some sites will have two or three while others will get as much as 13-18 of them. Apart from the daily business of their users, these Macs will be used in some experiments in CSCW and networking. Some questions I have are: - Do you know of any groupware packages to e.g. work together on a document, generate ideas together, etc. How do you like them? - Are there cheap camera's available that I could connect to some of these Macs? I'd prefer a camera that fits on top of an AudioVision 14 display. - Do you know of an Video conferencing tools? Can it be used over EtherNet? How many people could use this type of application simultaneously before the EtherNet becomes too crowded. - How can I connect printers to each EtherTalk LAN? What would a EtherTalk-to-LocaltalkPrinter or EtherTalk-to-HP-Printer cost? Isn't there a piece of software that lets someone publish the printer connected to its LocalTalk port to the EtherNet? - Each site will have itUs own LAN. These LANs will in the future be connected with ISDN. Could you advise on hardware and software for this layout? Should/could each LAN be a zone in the AppleTalk network? I realize this is quite a list of questions, but I suspect I'll run into these questions soon, and any suggestion would be of help. Thanks for your time. Stan. -- S.P. van de Burgt PTT Research, Neher Labs PO Box 421, Leidschendam E-mail: the Netherlands ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jun 94 00:26:24 JST From: (AWAJI Yoshimasa) Subject: sAVe the Disk1.4(Bingo!) > If so, install version 1.2 usingSystem Update 3.0. Thanks, David. You've just made a great guess on the contents of my system over the Pacific! I sure have SystemEnabler1.1. I'll update it to 1.2 as soon as I get the System Update disk #2: Apple Japan hasn't released it yet officially, and I got a copy from one of my friends, who gave me only the image of disk #1 because two of them was too large to send. Yoshi **** AWAJI Yoshimasa **** Lecturer at Kisarazu National College of Technology ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 11:11:25 -0400 From: (Charlie Mingo) Subject: SimpleText [1.0] is buggy? (A) Alex Metcalf writes: > I've been writing up some 'read me' files for my new external >commands, and I've been using SimpleText v1.0 which came with System Update >3. > > It has become apparent that the update, while providing some nice >features, has a couple of noticable flaws and bugs: I think Apple must agree with you, because they've already released SimpleText 1.1, which seems to fix many of these problems. I got it off a BBS in DC, and presumably it will appear widely in the very near future. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 19:55 EST From: "Don't Panic!" Subject: SLIP newsreader (Q) Dear Netters, I am looking for a UUCP client for a SLIP connection. I have Eudora, but apparantly it has an extra password to enter beyond that provided by my SLIP provider. Is there any newsreader that has access to all 4000+ newsgroups, and only needs one password to access (namely the one I put into Interslip Setup)? In otherwords is there a Fetch like software available freeware or shareware that will read and allow editing of postings into UUCP newsgroups? Please let me know where I can FTP or Gopher to get it. Thank you. Sincerely, ABRODY@VAX.CLARKU.EDU (best e-mail address to reach me at) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Jun 94 12:14:05 EDT From: Subject: Slow keys Have Mac LC with System 7.1 and Word 5.0; plenty of RAM and HD memory. Screen image of character is delayed after keystroke and letters are too close together. Venice font. Any idea how to fix? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 14:22:26 -0400 (EDT) From: Lyman Green Subject: SMTP mail packages Hello again, fellow Info-Mac'ers I would like to first thank all those that responded to my questions about the Etherwaves. If the gentleman from cornell would please email me again, I seem to have lost your address. Thanks also to those of you (few in numbers) who responed to my firewall "aware" inquiries. There doesn't seem to be much "awareness" of this as an issue on the user side. Perhaps as time goes on, and more companies try to be more secure, it will become more of an issue. My new question is this: I'm in the midst of evaluating QuickMail, and in conjunction a SMTP gateway. I would prefer to use a mail program like Eudora, and skip the whole QM thing, and the complexity and necessity of a QM server/gateway host, but since we don't support POP here, only SMTP, I need a mail program that supports SMTP coming in as well as going out. Any suggestions? Freeware preferred, but Commerical will do (It's not my money, just my recommendation). Lyman Green, SFA Support - Glaxo, Inc. Applelink: R6588 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 09:46:03 +0100 From: (Rob Forsyth) Subject: sources of guidance for low level disk editing/data recovery? Can anyone point me to a book or similar source of guidance about the use of low level disk editors (such as the Norton one) specifically in the context of data recovery from disks? On several occasions colleagues have asked me to try to recover data (usually from floppies) and I can often see the problem with Norton Disk Editor (eg extents node problems), but am not quite sure what to do about it. Is is possible for someone who is more of a serious hobbyist than a full-time techie to have a useful working knowledge of this area, or is it really a case of anything other than total knowledge being dangerous? This may be a duplicate (I'm resending because of the reported mail problems with info-mac). Please reply direct to me and I will summarise if relevant. Dr Rob Forsyth Department of Child Health Medical School University of Newcastle upon Tyne Framlington Place Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4HH, United Kingdom Tel +44 91 222 6000 ext 6936 Fax +44 91 222 6222 email r.j.forsyth@ncl ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jun 94 00:33:04 GMT From: (David D Kilzer) Subject: Star Trek: the next generation (C) >>The series finale of STTNG aired here last Saturday, 5/26. While I >>throughly enjoyed the final episode, I was disappointed to see that it >>was not sponsored in part by Apple, nor were any Macintosh commercials >>aired during the series finale ... worse, the final episode was sponsored >>in part by Intel, with Intel adverts running rampant during almost every >>commercial break. I would have thought the final episode of STTNG would >>have been a perfect vehicle for getting the word out on Apple, Macs, and >>PPC. Just MHO. >Unfortunately, it just shows that Intel's executives watch Star Trek and >Apple's don't. Apple doesn't have engineer nerd-boys running the company, >I guess. Apple's had that problem for a while. ;) Take heart! My friend told me (while watching the same Intel commercial over and over and OVER again) that the company that produced this ad for Intel used a **MACINTOSH 840AV** to render it because they had too many problems with the DOS (Pentium? I assume) machines! Oh, the irony! Dave Kilzer ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jun 1994 11:20:31 GMT From: (Paul Freebody) Subject: Startup help HELP!!! My LC freezes on startup (after smiling mac icon). I ran Norton and the report was that the catalog tree was damaged, the volume info files, the f-link, b-link were damaged. The desktop file had an invalid date (Jan 1, 1904). I also ran Speed Disk and the error message said i must call Symantec technical support for help. Error no. 43:34 & 27:22. Now i can't afford the service fees. Can anyone help? Thanks. Jacqui r ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 11:10:09 -0400 (EDT) From: Mike Nibeck x79300 Subject: Stylewriter not-printing Have a problem: Installed a small Mac & PC network: 2 Classics 2 Stylewriters 1 SE-30 1 486 1 Laserwriter IINTX All works well except the Stylewriter attached to the SE-30 stopped printing. It is running System 6.0.8. Stylewriter driver 7.1(I think). Printing to the Laserwriter over Appletalk works fine. -Select the Stylewriter from the Chooser, -Click OK in the print dialog -The "Printing" dialog comes up and goes away. NO PRINT JOB. Any ideas, I know kinda brief description, I guess I'm looking for any known conflicts between SE-30's <--> Appletalk <--> Print drivers. Thanks, Mike Nibeck Digital Horizons, Inc. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 09:58:41 -0500 From: (Vinko Tsui (312) 329-3455) Subject: system 7.1 updates [R] >I read a while back about system 7.1 updates. Where can I get them. For >reasons I do not understand I can not ftp under anonymous, it >tells me to and the period after apple doesn't go well with >my account! >Any info will be appreciated. > Katherine, If you're FTPing to Apple via Fetch you should enter the address "", but if you're using a command line application like Telnet to FTP to Apple then the proper FTP command is: "ftp" I hope this helps! -- Vinko Vinko Enterprises, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 12:19:05 -0400 From: (Jim Mueller) Subject: Telnet tool as free/shareware? Is there a telnet tool for the Mac Comm. toolbox available on a free or shareware basis? Jim Mueller - LAN Manager ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 14:37:15 -0400 From: (Luke Stein) Subject: WAIS Clients Dear everyone, A while ago I threw this out but didn't get any response. What is the best Mac WAIS client. free/share/cheap ware preferred in that order. WAIS seems like a really neat idea, but how do I access it? Thanks in advance for all your help, <+>Luke Stein ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 11:08:53 -0800 From: (Dieder Bylsma) Subject: What is the Modern Memory Manager? I'm curious to know what the modern memory manager is. The manuals that I have are remarkably empty of any useful information about it. sorry if this is a FAQ, Dieder ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 10:02:52 -0500 From: (Vinko Tsui (312) 329-3455) Subject: Where to find AppleTalk 58? [R] >Can anyone tell me where to find AppleTalk 58 online? >Internet, Compuserve, or America On-line would be >preferred. I'm having a problem with my HP printer, >and HP suggests installing AppleTalk 58 as a solution. >Please respond by email as I don't often read this >group. Thanks! > Jack, You can find the latest version of AppleTalk from Apple's "Network Installer" series. The latest version of the "Network Instatller" is v1.4.4. It is available at I hope this helps! -- Vinko Vinko Enterprises, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 10:02:25 +1000 From: (Roy Stockman) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.digest Path: stockman From: (Roy Stockman) Subject: strange characters in Eudora mail Message-ID: <> Keywords: strange characters in Eudora mail when read by unix mail Organization: CSIRO Division of Information Technology Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 00:02:19 GMT Lines: 13 When a user send a message in Eudora to another user who does not have Eudora, sometimes '=' '20' and '09' appear in the message. I have tried different versions of Eudora ie 1.4, 1.4.1 & 1.4.2 Also tried dumping the settings files It only happens on certain macintoshes I have notice mail from other sites have the same problem The POP3 program on UNIX host is UCB popper ver 1.831b has anybody got any answers to this problem ? I suspect I am not the only with it Thanks Roy ------------------------------ End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************